
May 29, 2022

Currently, module supports Sumologic, Loggly and Elastic search services out of the box.

Sumologic (see

//Configuration for communication with Sumologic.
//Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
const serviceConfig = {
    url: "",
    sourceName: "advancedLoggerTest",
    host: "advanced-logger",
    sourceCategory: "MY/SUMO/namespace",
    method: "POST",

//Default log configuration.
//It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
//Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
const defaultLogConfig = {
    UserAgent: window.userAgent,
    BuildVersion: 123,
    Platform: "browser",
    Severity: "DEBUG",
    Data: "",
    Timestamp: "",
    Message: "",
    Category: "",

//general config
const config = { serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig }

const sService = new service.SumologicService(config)

Loggly (see

//Configuration for communication with Loggly.
//Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
const serviceConfig = {
    // this should be the url for **bulk** log sending
    url: "<customertoken>/tag/bulk/",
    method: "POST",

//Default log configuration.
//It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
//Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
const defaultLogConfig = {
    UserAgent: window.userAgent,
    BuildVersion: 123,
    Platform: "browser",
    Severity: "DEBUG",
    Data: "",
    Timestamp: "",
    Message: "",
    Category: "",

//general config
const config = { serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig }

const lService = new service.LogglyService(config)

Elastic Search Service (see

Logger supports sending data to Elasticsearch service endpoint. It was tested on AWS-based instance of Elasticsearch and Kibana. Ideally, it should work also on instance of any other cloud provider.

//Configuration for communication with Elastic Search.
//Url should be taken from the logger's source category configuration page.
const serviceConfig = {
    // this should be the url for **bulk** log sending
    url: "https://<endpoint_url>/_bulk",
    method: "POST",
    //this field will be used to send index value in meta information for each log
    logMetaIndexField: "IndexField",

//Default log configuration.
//It is used like a template with default values for each new log.
//Can be of any structure. It will be shallowly copied during creation of a new log record.
const defaultLogConfig = {
    BuildVersion: 123,
    Platform: "browser",
    Severity: "DEBUG",
    Data: "",
    Timestamp: "",
    Message: "",
    IndexField: "web-app",

//general config
const config = { serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig }

const esService = new service.ElasticsearchService(config)

Custom serializer

There are situations when you need a “special” representation of logs instead of JSON before sending them to remote storage. For example, key-value pairs:

[Timestamp=1234567890] [Message="test message"] [Category="MyController"]

In order to serialize logs in your own way, you can use serializer configuration with services:

const serializer = logObject =>
        .map(key => `[${key}=${JSON.stringify(logObject[key])}]`)
        .join(" ")

const configWithSerializer = { serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig, serializer }
const testLogs = [{ test: "test123" }, { test: "test321" }]

service = new LogglyService(configWithSerializer)

Console log service (for debugging purposes)


Custom implementation of service

You can implement your own service. Here is an example of extending BaseRemoteService class for implementation of http service that sends logs in json form:

const defaultLogConfig = {
    BuildVersion: 123,
    Platform: "nodejs",
    Severity: "LogLevel.DEBUG",
    Data: "",
    Timestamp: "",
    Exception: "",
    Message: "",
    Category: "",

const serviceConfig = {
    //todo Replace with a real URL
    url: "",
    method: "POST",

const config = { serviceConfig, defaultLogConfig }

class CustomHttpService extends service.BaseRemoteService {
     * @override
    constructor(config) {
        console.log("constructor", config)
        return super(config)

     * @override
    preparePayload(logs) {
        const resultList = => ({
        console.log("preparePayload", resultList)
        return Promise.resolve(this.serializer(resultList))

const logger = new AdvancedLogger({
    service: new CustomHttpService(config),
    strategy: new strategy.OnRequestStrategy(),